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Posts tagged Interior Design
Why Designers Must Pivot

Canadian Interiors interviews Johanna Hoffmann for its Bevel Podcast:

Although we have been in the COVID trenches for what seems like an incessantly long period of time, there now appears to be light at the end of this tunnel. With vaccination rates on a speedy incline and phased re-openings across the provinces, things are slowly returning to normal.

But we’re not out of the woods yet, and even when the pandemic is officially declared over its effects will be long-lasting. Canadian Interiors invited us to discuss the pandemic’s effects on design firms , and designers’ space planning, project management and procurement skills are urgently needed now.

Tune in to hear steps you can take to get your firm through the crisis by finding creative ways to generate revenue and other stop-gap solutions that while not necessarily permanent, will help you not only stay on your feet but continue marching on even after normalcy returns.

Oomph to present at Buildex Vancouver
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We are thrilled to be presenting at Buildex Vancouver, and honoured to be the second session following the key note address on September 27th! Our presentation is timely and has been written to help firms manage and maintain a healthy practice, through market ups and downs, with specific strategies for dealing with COVID-19.

All programs are available online. To register visit: BUILDEX Amplified 2021 (

Building and Maintaining a Resilient Practice

Session Code: M02

Monday, 27 September 2021 10:30am - 11:30am

PST/PDT (Pacific Daylight, GMT-7)

An agile, resilient practice is one that adapts, evolves and grows through long-term industry trends and changes and has the systems and flexibility to withstand sudden emergencies, business interruptions and economic downturns. Being able to target and proactively procure work is the foundation of an agile practice. In this session you will learn five strategies to strengthen your firm, and getting the work you want - through good times and bad.  

  1. Your brand: know who you are, what you are selling and to whom to better tailor your services and stand out from competitors.

  2. The tools and systems you need to respond quickly to RFPs and new clients requests.

  3. How to enhance your ability to compete and how to pivot if necessary

  4. How to build a network to drive work

  5. How to enhance your visibility to support BD activities